Why Choose Me?

"Shimada is one of the most original and creative musicians on the Seattle scene." 

- Seattle  Times

I have 20 years of experience writing and performing music, and have 4 full length albums that were self-produced under my own label, along with few other albums that were produced by other labels, totaling 6 full length CDs. 

During my music years, I played in many venues, gave many interviews to newspapers and radio stations while I lived in Seattle. I have toured nationally, and collaborated with musicians of my dreams! I have learned over the years many things about being a musician whose music was always difficult to categorize. Though I was often described as 

a "singer/songwriter", I got to play with jazz, rock, pop, classical, folk and experimental musicians and more. 

Having done all that during the 20 years of my music "career," and now nearing my 60s, I've come to realize how much I can offer young aspiring musicians. Because of my openness to all styles, including 'genres' like noise and experimental, I find a way to relate to pretty much anybody, because I listen to music first and foremost as music, with 'genre' as at most a superficial guide.

What I don't offer is to be your manager, publicist, booking agent or main recording engineer. Although part of my job is to oversee the recording, I'm not a recording engineer. I do have connections with skilled recording engineers and people who do mastering work. And although I can guide you to connect with these skilled people, I would mainly be a mentor/producer, and can point out what might be needing to enhance the quality of the recording you are working on, things that you struggle with, or things that you could be paying more attention to, in order to develop your own sense of direction and unique style/voice/sound. I can help bring to light the many hidden details that may initially seem unimportant, but are actually very crucial. 

Call it a humble brag, but to me not all experienced musicians have these skills. I'm a born teacher, and I look at, think and approach things from a very holistic place. I have a very good set of ears and am very intuitive. If something does not sound right, be it in your recording, a performance, the way you practice your music, or general approach to things, I'm able to spot it and give you useful  advice or suggestions. I actively participated in the recording and mixing (with the engineers) of all my 6 self produced CDs, and I am confident that I have the personal tools to deduce what each song needs or doesn't, what needs to be enhanced or improved. I've learned to be patient and observant. The same thing can be said of my ability to be a good sound person at live shows. 

When I started writing my own songs in my 20s, I struggled with the dilemma of pleasing listeners vs satisfying myself . I still remember the day someone told me to stick with music that came from my heart because it was unique and beautiful, and people who got it would get it. Some people thought my music was beautiful, while others thought it was depressing! Some thought it was peaceful, while others thought it was too slow. I decided that I would write music that was me, not something else.  It took a while. One day I saw an article in the Seattle Weekly saying I was "Seattle's most favorite singer/songwriter."  I recognized that this was just the writer's personal opinion, but it made me feel happy and tickled that someone saw me that way.

At some point in my music journey, musicians that mattered to me began to show interest in playing with me. I was offered a record deal by a prestigious jazz/experimental music label in New York, and asked to tour with someone whom I highly, highly respected for many years. I was asked to open for national acts. And when I was fading out from the music scene (becoming a mother), my last performance was with world renowned jazz pianist Jessica Williams . She had found my music on the internet and contacted me to ask if I would open for her and also collaborate directly in a Seattle performance. I'm not even a jazz musician, so I thought it was a prank email and ignored the message for a while, till I realized it was genuine. It felt like I was dreaming. These are just a handful of examples.

So, this is to all to say I do feel I "succeeded" even though I'm not rich and famous. I stuck with my own sound, and I ended up connecting with musicians whom I respected so much. And this is what I want to help you with - how to stay real and honest with yourself, and allow yourself and your music to flow out of you. This connects you with the right people and places. In the end, you'll be so happy that you showed the world your own unique sound and expression.

Check out "What I can offer" for service details. 

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