Why Choose Me?
"Shimada is one of the most original and creative musicians on the Seattle scene."
- Seattle Times
I have 20 years of experience writing and performing music and have 4 full-length albums that were self-produced, along with 3 other albums that were produced by other labels, totaling 7 full-length CDs. I also worked as a teacher for almost 20 years, and have a master's degree in Higher Education, Speech Communication, and Women's Studies. Later on, I earned a certificate in Applied Kinesiology I & II, and also became a Master Reiki practitioner. I'm currently working on getting a certificate in Life Coaching, have taken the Demartini Method Breakthrough program, and studied multiple alternative health modalities such as Mindfulness, Mind/Body Health, Qi-gong, Nervous System Rewiring methods, and more.
During my music years, I played in many venues and gave many interviews to newspapers and radio stations while I lived in Seattle. I have toured nationally, and collaborated with musicians of my dreams! I have learned over the years many things about being a musician whose music was always difficult to categorize. Though I was often described as
a "singer/songwriter", I got to play with jazz, rock, pop, classical, folk, and experimental musicians and more.
Having done all that during the 20 years of my music "career," and now in my early 60s, I've come to realize how much I can offer young aspiring musicians on multiple levels. Because of my openness to all styles, including 'genres' like noise and experimental, I find a way to relate to pretty much anybody, because I listen to music first and foremost as music, with 'genre' as at most a superficial guide.
Although I'm a music producer, I work mainly as a mentor/life coach by helping musicians and artists with things that they struggle with, or things that they could be paying more attention to, to develop their sense of direction and unique style/voice/sound. I'm also here to guide them with life struggles (self-doubt, procrastination, wise decision-making, plans, etc.), and bring you a more holistic approach so you can move through your journey more wisely as an artist.
If people need more practice help, I can point out what might be needed to enhance the quality of the recording they are working on, and help bring to light the many hidden details that may initially seem unimportant, but are actually very crucial.
Call it a humble brag, but to me, not all experienced musicians and artists have these skills. I'm a born teacher, and I look at, think, and approach things from a very holistic place. I have a very good set of ears and am very intuitive. If something does not sound right, be it in your recording, a performance, the way you practice your music or your general approach to life and things, I'm able to spot it and give you useful advice or suggestions.
I'm not rich and famous, but I stuck with my own sound, and I ended up connecting with musicians whom I respected so much. And this is what I want to help you with - how to stay real and honest with yourself and allow yourself and your music to flow out of you. This connects you with the right people and places. In the end, you'll be so happy that you showed the world your unique sound and expression.
Check out "What I can offer" for service details.
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